Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Public Service Announcement

For the rest of the week you will create a public service announcement in Photo Story 3. What is a public service announcement? What topic would you like to make a PSA about and why?
Click on the following link and select "Testimonials" (click the word high by the Windows icon). This is an example of a PSA.


Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an announcement used to influence something like stop drinking, stop smoking, don't do drugs, etc. The topic I would like to use as a public service announcement would be to stop using MySpace and why it is so bad. MySpace is bad becuase you can get hurt using it. Most people lie about their ages to join and it is really unsafe. An alternative to using MySpace would be to use Google's orkut. it is much safer and since you know it was made by Google, it can be a lot safer than using MySpace.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an
add or announcement to influence an
idea. A topic I would like to make
a PSA about would be smoking and the effects of smoking. Many people don't realize the harm of it, and they keep on smoking. Many people die of Lung Cancer every year because of that.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is something you do to stop something bad. I would like to do a PSA on drinking because not only it is bad, but it can hurt you it can also hurt others. People will get drunk and drive they will wreck and get people hurt. Drinking to much is something that should be stopped.

Anonymous said...

A public service announecement is an announcement to the public letting them know how we could make our community better. One topic I would like to do my project on is alchohalism.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not really sure what a publice service anouncment is but from what I know I guess it is an anouncement that trys to pursuade or inform you of something. For the topic of our public service anouncement to me does not matter and condsidering I do not fully understand what a PSA is I don't have any suggestions for our assignments.

Anonymous said...

A Public Service Announcement(PSA) is a way of contacting the public and letting them know of a problum. I would like to make a PSA about animal abuse, because it is more frequent these days, and I will not stand for it!

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is when someone advertises about drugs and how they got help, to the public. I would want to advertise about smoking because so many people do it and think they look cool, but it looks nasty. Also, most of them don't know thier consequences for "being cool."

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is when you annouce something about yourself in poblic. About books. Because it will help us learn things like science and math.

Anonymous said...

A public annoucement is an annoucement you make out to the public. I think I'll make a movie on bad habits like smoking or drinking.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is when you announce something about yourr self to the public. I think we should make an announcement about sports.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is drinking and using very bad actions. They should be thinking about what they are doing instead of just trying to be cool.

Anonymous said...

A public service annoncement is is an annoucement to the public that is put out there to try to stop something like smoking or drinking. A topic I would do a PSA on would be drugs, because there are many consequences that come with doing drugs. And as you get older and have more responsibilty you become more stressed. Then people turn to drugs which isn't the right chioce.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an annoucement ment to inform the public about important events happening around them, to inform them of dangerous or violent things that they should know about quickly. The topic that I would like to make a public announcement is to stop smoking. I would like to make this a public announcement because I feel that it is a dangerous hazered to the comunity and all the people in it. It can cause sickness not only to that person but to all the people around them.

Anonymous said...

a public service anouncement is tells people what current issues are happening in our world. they can be very helpful sometimes. i am going to do a psa on pollution because it is a very big issue in our world these days

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an announcement used to influence a topic or a idea. For example like drugs, drinking, teen driving, nad smoking would be good examples of a PSA. If i had to pick i would do a PSA on drugs because we all no there bad, but some people dont know why or how they effect you and i would like to get that out to the world.

Anonymous said...

it like annoucement that talk about the public BBO it a place for alone black people that a very bad things it i know it keeps out the white people but it suppose to be for both

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncement is an announcement to help influence or stop an idea. The topic I would like to make a PSA about is drinking and how it is bad. People dont know what there doing when the drink because if you drink to much of it you can get drunk, and if you start to drive while your drunk you can really hurt somebody.

Anonymous said...

A publis service announcement is information about a problem someone has, or people in your community have. a topis i would suggest is drugs.

Anonymous said...

I think a PSA is when you are trying to influence something as to stop drinking,stop smoking, dont do drugs, so on. I dont really understand PSA fully but from what I do understand I would like my PSA to be about helping people stop smoking.

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncement is an announcement to help influence or stop an idea. The topic I would like to make a PSA about is drinking and how it is bad. People dont know what there doing when the drink because if you drink to much of it you can get drunk, and if you start to drive while your drunk you can really hurt somebody.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is a important message to differnet people out there on alot of different things. I would like to make a PSA about some of the games like the A,B,C game and a new game call the choking game etc. Because the kid that are doing it don't know how bad it isto do And hao bad it could hurt you and people around you.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an announcement about something like child abuse, animal abuse, or any other kind of abuse. I would choose animal abuse because I have a neighbor that does not pay attention to has dog and just has it chained up in his backyard. It stays out there no matter what, hurricane, tornado, or any other natural disaster. It (the dog) has been let out at night before, but hasn't been visited much. Since it is being "neglected" or ignored I want to do a PSA on animal abuse.

Anonymous said...

a public service announcement is an announcement used to inform or influence things like dont drink, dont smoke, and other things like that.
i would make an announcement on smoking because alot of people smoke wether it's because they think it's cool or they do it to hang out with a different group of kids it bad for you and the people around you.

Anonymous said...

The public service announcement would like to chose is for people to stop smoking.There is tons of kids coming into the world today, and the most thing you see is people smoking. The annoucement is also a way for people to get out to the world.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an announcement that tells people something that the city or state ect. want them to know.

Anonymous said...

A pubvlic service announcement is an add or announcement used to influence someone one way or another. The PSA that i would like to make is to stop smoking and why it is harmful. Many people are hurt or killed because of the effects of smoking.

Anonymous said...

no ofince but these videos were useless to anyone the only importance in these videos was something we already knew you might go to jail.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what a public service announcement is, but I think that it might be something that tries to convince you to get rid of something. My public service announcement would be for people, especially teens, to stop using drugs because it is really bad for you, damages your future, could possibly kill you, and plus, it doesn't help you in any way. So why do them? Those are some of the reasons why i would make drugs my PSA.

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncment is an anouncment used to encourage somone to stop something that is hurting or killing them. I think I would do it on drunk driving because it has hurt so many people in this world and took lives.

Anonymous said...

I think that a public service announcement is an announcement to influence people to stop something, such as smoking or drinking. I would like to make a public service announcement about animal abuse because it is cruel and there is no reason for anybody to treat animals badly.

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncement is an announcement used to alert the public about things like drinking,drugs,and other world issues. Im going to do a psa on to much drinking to show how much trouble it can cause.

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncement is an anouncement to the public about what you can do to help them on whatever the topic is. I would like to make a psa on listening to certian kinds of language or lyrics because it can effect the way you talk, act or the way you live your everyday life.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an annoncement that tells you things like drug abuse in the cumminity and that it neeeds to be stoppped.
Don't do drugs because they are so addicting and easy to get hooked on.

Anonymous said...

A public service anouncement is an announcement used to tell people about a topic and what to do about it, like to stop drinking or to vote etc. I think that it would be cool to make a PSA about not doing drugs. People use them all the time and get addicted. It is very bad and you should not do it.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. mcguyer, i am changing my topic to smoking because i feel it is important for peoople to understand that there are consequences for their actoins.

Anonymous said...

a public service announcement is a way to let the public of the influence on drugs and alchol uses.One of the topics i would use is underaged smoking to influence undr aged kids to stop smoking.

Anonymous said...

An anouncement to the people [public]. Driving under the influence.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is something use to try to warn you about things that are harmful to yourself and others some things that they use as a public service announcement are reckless driving, drunk driving, smoking etc. My topic would be to show commercials of how black your lungs are when you smoke and show how many brain cells you would lose from just one beer or other alchoholic beverage.

Anonymous said...

I think that a public service announcment is an announcment to get out something like a testimony or something that the general public need to know. An example of a public service announcment would be like for smoking and why people should stop and what could happen to you if you do it. I think i would like to do a PSA on computers and technology and why people should use them but i migght change my mind.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcment is an announcement that is used to influence people not to drink, do drugs, or anything like that. I would choose drinking as mine PSA. People get killed like everyday because of drunk driving. It is really a bad thing to do because you have people that depend on you and get let down when you do something stupid because you got drunk.

Anonymous said...

A public service annoucement is an announcement. This announcment could be of many things, such as: not to drink under the age or not even at all, or not to smoke, etc. But I would complain for people to stop smoking. Why I think people should stop Smoking is because the more we smoke the more chances of dieing with Lung Cancer, or another kind of cancer. Also because, our death rate has increased a good bit from smoking. Most people do it because it looks cool, or sounds cool but trust me its not.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement i would like do is to show how to resist the influences of drugs. Im not just saying a certain age of people either. There are now sick people that are putting chrystal meth in poprocks. I mean that makes me scared to buy candy. If i was a legislator I would spend more time trying to pass a bill to try to protect childen from accidentally buying the wrong candy. I mean if a little kid eats that they could die. That is what i want to do for my public announcement.

Anonymous said...

A public Service announcement is an announcement to the public about problems often used to influence the public to do or think something. The topic I would like to do a public service announcement on is Smoking and why it should be stopped. The reason being is smoking is not only gross but a rude inconvenience to everyone. I believe that smoking is worse than drinking because when you smoke in public it harms other people. Far too many people die from smoking. This is a problem that needs to end NOW!

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an influence to someone to stop doing or do something that is good.
Like telling someone to stop drinking, smoking, don't do drugs, and other serious issues for people in the world today. One public announcement I would make is to stop cyber bullying because it can cause serious problems that will stick with that person forever. It is also the reason many teens are killing or getting in fights with people, and getting sent to Alternative Schools.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement is an advertisement that is trying to persude someone that sommething relatively common can be deadly if you keep doing it. A topic I would really like to do my PSA on is smoking. Smoking is very common in alabama, almost too common. People really do not know the dangers of smoking cigarrettes and using tobacco products. They can do horrible things to you! It is really unfortunate that this many people smoke cigarettes. Smoking pollutes the air you breathe and can really damage your organs... and your whole body... before you even know it.

Anonymous said...

A public service is a way to stop a bad thing that is like DUI, drinking under age, smoking, etc. If I could choose a topic for a PSA it would be about smoking under age, I think taht is a good PSA because there are a lot of people at school and at public places that I see trying to sneak a smoke and it's disgusting. I think instead of smoking young people should have activities they should do instead of smoking.

Anonymous said...

Jacob said that a public service announcmaent is an announcment used to stop addicts from doing the addiction that they had started. Like Achoholics,drug addictions,and smoking.These people were put on Earth by God to spread the word of him, not to se their bodies to do stuff like cocaine,achohol,meth and other things that would be against the word of God.One day those people will be judged on what they have done in their life and they wiil be sorry but, it will be to late and they will have spent their whole life doing this stuff and not spreadng the word of God. Mabye some day people will finally have recgonized what they have done and just quit. But nobody can change the world. But that does'nt mean that we can't try.

Anonymous said...

A public announcement is an announment that is used to influence people that are addicted to things such as: drugs, alchohol, or anything alse that could result in bad decisions. I would like to do my public service announcement on probably why drinking can be dangerous and that it can hurt not only you, but family and friends too. When people usually drink, it's because they don't know what else to do to help. The most popular reson for drinking is either because the person is looking for comfort, and instead of going to someone for help, they look to things like drugs or alchohol for comfort.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement (PSA) anounces something that is is important so that the public can know about it. or it can be a influence or an idea. this one was about drinking or smoking. if I could make one I would talk about saving energy because if we don't we will have bad weather forever. which is terrible. I think a PSA is good because I would like to know what happend.

Anonymous said...

It is a announcment to help someone do something. I want to post one about drinking and driving and why it is bad.

Anonymous said...

its a anouncement to influence the pulblic to do something