Monday, November 19, 2007

Interesting Comments!

I enjoyed reading your comments from my last post about items you would take from your house if you knew it was about to be destroyed by a fire. What I found most interesting is that most of you said you take some piece of technology. For example, a laptop, cell phone, XBox, etc. Why is technology so important to you? Why can't you live without technology?


Anonymous said...

I think technology is important because we (the people who answered your blog) are so used to have technology. Since we were young, we have had some type of technology. Such as Nintendo, or portable DVD players. So it would be hard to have all those things destroyed.I also think that we can live without technology for a short amount of time. That is what I think.

Unknown said...

Well, I personally think that many of us can't live without technology. I think this because so many of us are growing up around technology, and we don't actually know how to live without it, or have a complete understanding of it because we may not have had to live without it. We have seen people without it, and it looked easy. But we all know that if you don't grow up with technology, it’s not as big of a challenge unless you grew up with technology and had to give it up. We all use technology in our everyday lives, and if would be hard to give up.

Anonymous said...

I think technology is important because we (the people who answered your blog) are so used to have technology. Since we were young, we have had some type of technology. Such as Nintendo, or portable DVD players. So it would be hard to have all those things destroyed. That is what I think.

Mrs. McGuyer said...

What piece of technology do you use the most and why?

Anonymous said...

I think technology is important because everyone is so used to being around it, hearing about it, and seeing about it. Also all the new programs that have came out and are coming out get people addicted to it. Like Myspace, Facebook, and Photobucket. Also many kids are growing up with it all around them. Technology is really big in this generation and I think some people use it for work and some use it for Myspace and sites like that. I use computers the most so I can get on MYspace. That is what I think of Technology.

Anonymous said...

I think that people love technology so much becuse many people use it everyday. If I just had to stop using forever I don't know what I would do. Technology is something that we all probably could not live without.

Anonymous said...

Well I think technology is so important because we have everything on it. All our music, pictures, games, exc. So that is why I think we can’t live without technology.

Anonymous said...

What piece of technology do you use the most and why?

Think i use a computer MOre than everything else. I have to do alot of project that include the computer.Plus I take computer class.

Anonymous said...

Technology is very interesting/amusing to kids and even adults. When using X-box or a Laptop you are also able to chat with your friends and that is why most kids and adults take the X-box or Laptop and cellphone.

Anonymous said...

I think that people like technology so much because people spend a lot of their time using that piece and some people use technology for everything they do.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is important because we live in world that has it everywhere. We couldn't live without because we have grown up around it for as long as we have been alive. We have it every corner of our house and even outside. It's crazy that we have so much technology.

Anonymous said...

Technology is not that important to me but I would take some technology with me for safety purposes and for fun. I probaly couldn't live without technology, not because it is important it's just because I have got so used to it. I probaly take some technology for granted, but I can't help that because I have got so used to technology.

Anonymous said...

I beleive that technology is a very important thing and without it we would have phone which means no communication. It also would get rid of computers which helps us with research and help us in school. Technology is very important to me because i have a cell phone and an ipod to listen to music with.
~Hannah G.~
.:6th Period:.

Anonymous said...

The reason I think that most people think that you should bring technology is because that you could always be able to get in thouch with somone. In case you ever needed help or something bad happened. Other wise the other thing is that you need somethingto so if you had a fire because most of the other stuff will pay for insurance.

Anonymous said...

I think that most of the people that responded that they would get some technology out of the burning house is because our lives are too dependant on technology that if we did not have it we would not know what to do in our spare time. Also, i think that maybe because technology is usually expensive they don't want to lose it.

Anonymous said...

I think that techonlogy is important because we use it almsot everyday. We need it and we are use to it. We have been around it for basically all of our life. And we know what it is used for. We also need it because it helps us with many things that we need. So that's why i think that we ned technology.

Anonymous said...

i think that technology is important because we use it all the time and we cant live without it stuff like ds,xbox, cell phone,

Anonymous said...

What peice of technology do you use the most?
I use the computer and T.V. the most. On the computer, I do projects and talk to my friends, and when I can't get on the computer, I watch T.V. alot.

Why can't we live with out technology?
Most people these days can't live with out it because, we have grown up around it, and it's hard to get around with out it. For example, my parents always pay bills online, and can talk to their friends at the same time, if they needed to. Also, kids can do projects on the computer, instead of writing it all down, and making things.


Anonymous said...

I would be able to live without technology even though so much of our society depends on it. The only reason giving up technology might be hard is the fact that losing those devices would mean losing the communication that comes through them.

Anonymous said...

I put down a cell phone.
And i would take that with me so i could call someone if i would need them.

Anonymous said...

♥ Personally technology is more like a comfort or Convenience than a need. We can live without it but most people just don't want to. I think most people have just had technology there their whole lives and they don't know how not to use technology.♥


Anonymous said...

Technology is so importnt because because most of us have got so used to it that they have to have it. I probaly would take a cell phone. It is so important to me.

Anonymous said...

Technology is important to me because I can socilize and do my homework at the same time. I couldn't live without technology because I need it for school reasons and it is alot better than reading a book.

Anonymous said...

Most people cant live without it kids need it. I love my Xbox.

Anonymous said...

<3 I think technology is important because everyone is progressing into the future, and technology is a very important aspect of the future. You can use it to communicate, be entertained, and pretty much anything else. So that's why I think it's so important.

Anonymous said...

I could not live with out technology. Life would be so boring without Phones, Tvs, xbox, playstation, ect. I would hate it.

Anonymous said...

If i could bring three parents, my dogs, and my laptop why my lap top u ask? After the fire or something, i could use it to find a care place of some sort

Anonymous said...

I love technology because it helps me get stuff done. When I do something for a class im probably going to type it or do some thing with it that involoves a computer.

Ciara said...

everyday I do something that ivolves technology. Sometimes it writing an essay, palying on the internet, emailing, writing a story, or making a powerpoint or something like that.I wish I had an ipo though. But that would give me even more technology to deal with. i don't mind, but my parents do.

Anonymous said...

I tihnk kids are so wrapped up in technology because, we use it everyday in sschool, and at home. If texting and video games weren't so popular, this problem might be a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

technology is not that importent to me I've live my hole life without technology.I think I can live without technology.